PG Logbook - Simple and easy.
I built this Logbook app for myself so that I could easily log flights - up on the mountain or while parawaiting - just as my own record. Rather do it now than try recreate my flights when license renewal comes about....
I was asked to share it, and I do so happily, but without any warranty or guarantee or promises.
What it is / does?
The simplest logbook app I could create.
  • It is offline first, so you can log flights without any connection
  • It is free (and ad-free)
  • You can sync data to the server (when you have a connection) as a backup (which will require an initial login to create your account), but I truly have no interest in your data other than to make the app work, so your data is safe and will not be shared at all!
  • Once registered and synced, you will be able to access/edit you flights via a browser interface - and get an Excel file of your logbook for the powers that be...
What it is not / does not do?
  • It does not track flights like XC / Navigator / SeeYou.
  • It does not make coffee in the morning... or serve G&T's after a day of flying...
  • I make no claims or warranties.

But I welcome feedback aimed at making it easier to use / better (please send feedback via the Feedback page under Settings in the app).
Google Play Store link